Anthea Kreston joins Delgani as first violinist

Delgani welcomes international superstar Anthea Kreston as its newest member, while founding violinist Wyatt True steps down to focus entirely on running Delgani as its Executive Director.

Wyatt states, “we are very excited to have Anthea join us. Her training and experience, most notably as former violinist with Germany’s Artemis Quartet, will provide additional momentum as Delgani enters its seventh season. We are all very much looking forward to working with her and I know our audiences are going to love her musicality!”

Anthea has recently returned from four years in Germany to settle in Corvallis, Oregon. Of Delgani, she says, “I look forward to joining these tremendous musicians on stage and in the practice room. I’ve never seen such a beautifully run, thoughtful, and detailed organization of any kind.”

Anthea’s first performance with Delgani will be at the season opener on October 30. Learn more about Delgani’s upcoming 2021/2022 Subscription Series at


Violinist Anthea Kreston sometimes just needs to pinch herself. How did she get so lucky? She was the first American violinist to play in a major European string quartet, the Artemis Quartet - and she travelled the world, performing on some of the most legendary stages a person could dream of, from Carnegie Hall to Wigmore - from the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam to Seoul. She was a Professor at the Universität der Kunste Berlin, where Clara Schumann and Schoenberg taught. She also was a Master Teacher at the Queen Elizabeth Chapel in Brussels, where her students won competitions from Australia to New York. She loves to write - penning a classical music blog which was one of the top-5 most read music blogs internationally, and has an awesome husband and two funny and generous daughters. Her recent release on Warner Classics is a recording of Shostakovich Quartets and Piano Quintet, and she has hosted her own podcast from the Boulez Hall in the heart of Berlin. She has played in the Berlin Philharmonic, and as concertmaster of the Deutsche Oper Berlin. But most of all, she loves being with her family, growing tomatoes, and petting bunnies.


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