Important News from Kim

My dear Delgani Family,

After many months of tough and deep deliberation, I have decided it is time for me to step down as violist, core musician, board member, and co-artistic director of Delgani String Quartet. This change brings much loss, as I know I will not be as connected to all of you in the Delgani family who carry out our mission to serve Oregon through the intimacy of chamber music. But I also am exceedingly grateful for all that we have built together in the last nine years, expanding beyond Lane County and sharing our love of string quartets across the state from the northern tip of Astoria to southern Ashland, from urban Portland to smaller communities like Sutherlin.

As many of you know, I have been battling health struggles during the last few years which have taken a toll on my own daily function and have required much grace and flexibility from my colleagues and our audiences. I’m excited that Delgani will have the opportunity to step into the next decade of work with members firing on all cylinders for our performances, educational programs, and collaborations that will build upon the foundation that exists and has already proved itself to be strong even through the challenges of 2020.

As for myself, I honestly don’t quite know what is next. I will be spending the next few years splitting my time between living with family in California and continuing to play music in Oregon as I prioritize getting better over growing in my musical journey (a hard thing to commit to, as you can imagine!). I’m looking forward to having time to continue my studies of music, culture, and history that can be hard to carve out when performing constantly through the year. For instance, I’m hoping next to explore the turn of the 20th century through Dvorak, Debussy, Berg, and Bartok, as the world became more connected and musical influences reaching from cultures farther away than had ever been possible before. I’m also excited to explore the world of baroque viola and performance practice of chamber music that was written before our modern instruments became standardized in the early 1800s. And I might try my hand at conducting…? I know that quartet playing will always be a grounding part of my life, even when I don’t know what that will look like in the immediate future. If you would like to stay updated on my activities, email me at as I plan on keeping friends abreast of my activities in Oregon and beyond.

My deepest appreciation for all of you, who have been part of this musical family, who have opened your ears and hearts to us and grown alongside us. You truly have made my dream come true: that of being a violist in a string quartet performing at an elite level made possible by being rooted in community, with music lovers of all stripes growing both together and beyond boundaries.

With much warmth, affection, and appreciation,


Haydn’s String Quartets